The Save the Basin Campaign questions the integrity of the process being undertaken by the Wellington City Council to investigate alternatives to the flyover plan for the Basin Reserve, following the statement by Acting Mayor Ian McKinnon reported in today’s Dominion Post.
“Acting Mayor McKinnon’s statement has tainted the integrity and impartiality of the review by Council, and has placed a cloud over its final recommendation,” said Save the Basin Campaign spokesperson Alana Bowman.
“Our campaign calls for Cr McKinnon to remove himself from further attempts to undermine the independence of the process undertaken by Council and its officers”, Ms Bowman continued.
In contrast to Mayor Celia Wade-Brown, Cr McKinnon is in the minority of council who opposed a review of options to the flyover, and he appears to have knowledge not shared by the rest of the Council.
As reported by the Dominion Post, he said he expected NZTA to continue down that path after the council’s work was complete – “that path” apparently continuing to push the outdated and ugly structure on to residents who have rejected the idea through the 2011 public submission process.
Ms Bowman challenges Cr McKinnon to release information about the apparently foregone conclusion of “the council’s work” – to issue a finding in support of the flyover.