What: A Panel Discussion on the future of the Basin Reserve – plus tasty pizza!
When: Thursday 12 March, 6-8pm
Where: New Crossways, 6 Roxburgh St, Mt Victoria (off Majoribanks St) (see map)
How much: $20/$10 concessions, payable at the door
Who: You, your friends, neighbours, colleagues and networks! In fact, anyone interested in the future of the Basin Reserve and of Wellington’s transport system.
Why: Because our local authorities, given the opportunity by the Board of Inquiry decision to take a fresh look at the Basin, have chosen to hide behind NZTA’s appeal process instead. So it’s time we, the people of Wellington, took the lead.
The Pizzas: We’ll be taking orders at the start of the event and having pizzas delivered during the event. BYO beverages.
The Panel: We have an excellent panel lined up, including three speakers (Julie Anne Genter, Michael Kelly and Sarah Poff) who appeared as expert witnesses at the Board of Inquiry:
- Mary Varnham (moderator): Managing Director Awa Press, former Wellington City Councillor.
- Julie Anne Genter: Transportation Planner, MP, Green Party spokesperson on Transport
- Russell Tregonning: Orthopedic Surgeon, Senior Clinical Lecturer at University of Otago, Wellington. Executive Member Ora Taiao: The NZ Climate and Health Council. Committee member, Fair Intelligent Transport Wellington (FIT Wellington).
- Sarah Poff: Landscape Architect, SPK Landscape Architecture.
- Michael Kelly: Heritage Consultant, writer – “The Lung of the Capital: The Basin Reserve,” in Heartlands, Penguin Books (2006).
(Note: Some panel members are listed subject to final confirmation of availability.)
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/767473170010976/
Please share this widely and invite your friends and networks. It’s going to be a good night.