Forget The Flyover, NZTA

This is the op ed by Save the Basin spokesperson Alana Bowman which appeared in Tuesday Dominion Post. There may be some slight variations between this version and the version published by the DomPost.

When building a structure, the property owner instructs the builder. Not the other way around.

When the New Zealand Transport Agency demands to build a flyover in the heart of Wellington it forgets its role. As a government agency that builds roads, it provides advice but residents who live there, the owners, provide the instructions.

The builder certainly should not threaten the owner, as NZTA did in its December letter to the Wellington City Council warning that the funding for the whole regional transport plan could be pulled away because Council wanted to look at alternatives to a flyover at the Basin Reserve.

Had NZTA respected the majority of submissions opposing the flyover, progress on resolving the issue would be underway. But NZTA ignored those instructions and instead offered only a choice of where the flyover would be located, not whether it was wanted at all. The majority of submitters wanted “No flyover!”

The Save the Basin Campaign reflects those views. We are neither led by, nor a front for, any political party. The campaign includes members of various political parties, and many who are not members of any party, and every political party in New Zealand will have members opposing it. What unites us is not politics, but opposition to this outrageous flyover proposal.

We appeal to the government to instruct NZTA to reflect the majority view, as it did with the War Memorial Park, and require a design without a flyover.

Knowing residents don’t want a flyover, NZTA now rebrands it as a “bridge” in Jenny Chetwynd’s November Dominion Post article “How a bridge will untangle the Basin.” If that doesn’t convince, NZTA also tries the even more ludicrous “slimline elevated street.”

A smart, efficient solution to transport problems is needed for the region and Wellington. Eastern residents and airport traffic want less congestion through the Basin Reserve, travelers throughout the city want more frequent and less costly public transport, and people appreciating the Wellington skyline want to retain that open view.

Other large cities have solved these issues without flyovers. Why is NZTA unable to do so?

A flyover would block views along Cambridge and Kent Terrace, creating a barren, cold space underneath to invite graffiti and danger from opportunists lying in wait. Three storeys tall, it would dominate the area from the War Memorial Park to Mt Victoria tunnel. The tacked-on pedestrian/cycleway would exceed NZTA’s promised maximum 12m width.

The proposed flyover’s height would project increased noise and add grit to wind-born pollution throughout the area. The trajectory of travel required from the Mt Victoria tunnel to meet up with the War Memorial trench will create a roller-coaster ride.

Built just 20m from the gate of the Basin Reserve cricket ground, one of Wellington’s places of pride, and level with the R A Vance Stand, its noise, vibration, and dust would forever destroy the unique atmosphere of this historic and world famous cricket ground.

The trustees of the Basin Reserve face a difficult, and probably painful, choice. If they don’t oppose the flyover, they may persuade NZTA to “mitigate” the degradation of its environment with a modern grandstand and player facilities; but by opposing it they lose an opportunity to improve the grounds with no cost to either the Trust or the city.

The problem lies with the flawed design of any flyover.

Melbourne tore down a flyover in 2001 saying it created a “psychological barrier.” The London Evening Standard, in 2012 summed it up well: “Flyovers are so outdated we need tunnel vision. The truth is the flyovers are eyesores that are as outdated as their crumbling structures suggest. They’re the legacy of a failed vision that London’s planners dreamed up during a post-war vogue for redesigning the city.”

A Somerville, Massachusetts flyover’s “underside is a lunar landscape of concrete dust, litter, and pigeon droppings” said the transportation director. “It just repels you. Of course, the 1950s planners who built the overpass paid little heed to the people who might walk, bike or reside in its shadow.”

The New York Times denounced Louisville’s planned flyover: “The proposal, so clearly out of step, has been met with grass-roots opposition and is now in the courts, tied up over issues about financing, tolls and the environment.”

Cheers rang out when San Francisco’s Embarcadero elevated freeway – one long flyover at its waterfront – was torn down in 1991.

Now Auckland plans to remove one of its more offensive flyovers, at Hobson Street, because it is a “blight to the area, obscures views to the waterfront and is a barrier to pedestrians.” Other cities around the world have done the same – Toronto, Seoul, Boston, Milwaukee, Vancouver, Trenton, Portland and Chattanooga.

The government’s current development of the War Memorial Park, of which we can all be proud and enjoy, should be supported by a traffic option which extends its parkway to include the Basin Reserve, not an ugly, towering motorway flyover.

The anger expressed by many editorial letter writers and submitters reflects the frustration that something should be done, and quickly.

The Save the Basin Campaign urges NZTA to abandon its stubborn insistence on an outdated, impractical flyover.

With a more forward-thinking, urban-friendly alternative, we can just get on with it to ensure that Wellington is better placed to accommodate future population growth and innovations in transport technologies, and enhance, not hinder, the progress of a modern capital city.

Press Release: Save the Basin Campaign questions integrity of Wellington City Council flyover investigation after McKinnon statement

The Save the Basin Campaign questions the integrity of the process being undertaken by the Wellington City Council to investigate alternatives to the flyover plan for the Basin Reserve, following the statement by Acting Mayor Ian McKinnon reported in today’s Dominion Post.

“Acting Mayor McKinnon’s statement has tainted the integrity and impartiality of the review by Council, and has placed a cloud over its final recommendation,” said Save the Basin Campaign spokesperson Alana Bowman.

“Our campaign calls for Cr McKinnon to remove himself from further attempts to undermine the independence of the process undertaken by Council and its officers”, Ms Bowman continued.

In contrast to Mayor Celia Wade-Brown, Cr McKinnon is in the minority of council who opposed a review of options to the flyover, and he appears to have knowledge not shared by the rest of the Council.

As reported by the Dominion Post, he said he expected NZTA to continue down that path after the council’s work was complete – “that path” apparently continuing to push the outdated and ugly structure on to residents who have rejected the idea through the 2011 public submission process.

Ms Bowman challenges Cr McKinnon to release information about the apparently foregone conclusion of “the council’s work” – to issue a finding in support of the flyover.

Double Or Quits? We Call Quits.

There was such a flood of flyover-related news over Christmas and New Year that we thought you might like a little summary – see below. One story that deserves more attention, as reported by Wellington Scoop, is that NZTA has said it is thinking of building not one but two flyovers:

In NZTA’s little game of “double or quits”, we  say “quits”. Quit now, NZTA, before you waste even more taxpayer money on ugly, outdated, massively expensive and utterly unneeded monuments to 1950s transport thinking.

Other news and views you may have missed:





NZ Cricket Chair Admits Conflict Of Interest Over Basin Reserve Flyover Plans

Chris Moller, who chairs both New Zealand Cricket and the New Zealand Transport Agency, has admitted that he has a conflict of interest over NZTA’s proposed Basin Reserve flyover, which will seriously affect the viability of the Basin Reserve as an international cricket ground if it goes ahead.

Lindsay Shelton of Wellington Scoop first drew this conflict of interest to public attention:

Now, as Lindsay reports:, NZTA has written to Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown admitting that Moller, who is best known for his and his board’s disastrous mismanagement of the New Zealand cricket captaincy issue, has a conflict of interest, and saying that he will no longer be involved in discussions over Basin transport options.

This admission is a welcome development, but it begs some very big questions: Has Moller been involved in discussions so far when he and his Board surely knew of this conflict of interest all along? If his involvement is inappropriate from now on, then was it not inappropriate from the start?

Plus there’s the continuing question: why should a board chair who has made such a mess of New Zealand Cricket be trusted to make anything better than a mess of New Zealand’s transport system?

We eagerly await further revelations about this conflict of interest. In the meantime, it’s also notable in Wellington Scoop’s latest report that NZTA are now trying to sweet-talk Wellington City Council over its pre-Christmas vote to reject the flyover and explore alternative options, having failed to bully them into submission.

Here’s a helpful hint for NZTA’s PR flacks: you’re supposed to show the velvet glove before the iron fist, not the other way around.

Here’s The Bullying Letter The NZTA Sent To Wellington City Council

What did the New Zealand Transport Agency do when it found out that Wellington City Council was holding a vote on the flyover yesterday? It rushed out a letter to the Council’s Chief Executive threatening to withdraw support and funding for other transport projects in Wellington if the Council did not support the flyover.

Well, it didn’t work. The Council voted to reject the flyover and investigate other options. And now we have obtained a copy of NZTA’s letter to the Council, which showcases NZTA’s characteristic mixture of bullying and petulance. See for yourself:

NZTA Letter to Wellington City Council Chief Executive (scanned PDF)

Press Release: Save the Basin Campaign Applauds Wellington City Council Vote

The Save the Basin Campaign has put out the following press release in response to yesterday’s Wellington City Council vote to reject the proposed Basin Reserve flyover and explore other options:

Save the Basin Campaign Applauds Wellington City Council Vote

The vote by Mayor Celia Wade-Brown and Wellington City Council has demonstrated again that the city won’t be pushed into accepting a terrible plan by NZTA to destroy the historic Basin Reserve environment.

Traffic and transportation design can be better managed than falling back on last century’s plans for a flyover that has no relation to the surrounding neighbourhoods and fails to integrate into the new War Memorial Park green span.

This vote will help to ensure that the Basin won’t sit beside an ugly, noisy concrete structure that intrudes onto the atmosphere of one of the world’s oldest and grandest cricket grounds.

Greater Wellington Regional Council has already withdrawn its previous backing for a Basin Reserve flyover and instead voted to take another look at transport options around the Basin. We call on Wellington City Council and the Regional Council to work together on the alternatives, to go to NZTA with the same message and to oppose NZTA’s flyover proposal if it progresses to a Board of Inquiry.

It’s time to listen to the thousands of Wellington residents and visitors who oppose the flyover, and for the government to instruct NZTA to scrap this outdated plan and look at better, more practical solutions to traffic at the Basin Reserve.

This vote follows other cities throughout the world which have rejected flyovers – Boston, New York, Melbourne, Toronto, Seoul, Boston, Milwaukee, Vancouver, Trenton, Portland, Chattanooga. And Auckland City Council is planning to tear down the Hobson street flyover.

The Save the Basin Campaign is a group of people working to stop the building of a traffic flyover which is planned by NZTA to curve around one of the most historic cricket grounds in the world, the Basin Reserve in Wellington New Zealand.

We advocate a better planned alternative which include a region-wide solution to transportation problems and would include light rail, strategic bus lines, and consideration of walking, biking, and the configuration of Wellington.

– Alana Bowman and Joanna Newman, Save the Basin Campaign Spokespeople

News roundup: A big win for the campaign, our public meeting, and how to get involved

Here is a round-up of recent Save the Basin Campaign news:

A big win around the Regional Council table

Thanks to the good work of Cr Paul Bruce and like-minded colleagues, the Wellington Regional Council (Greater Wellington) has withdrawn its previous backing for a Basin Reserve flyover and instead voted to take another look at transport options around the Basin. This means that two of the three supposed partners in this project do not support it, as Wellington City Council had already voted for an alternative option. Read the full story of this significant victory for our campaign here:

A new alternative to the flyover

As this Wellington Scoop article describes:, a new alternative proposal for the Basin has been set in front of the Councils and the Government by Richard Reid and Associates. We’re glad to see that organisations concerned about sustainable transport and sensible urban design are continuing to put forward alternatives to the costly, unnecessary, ugly and disruptive flyover planned by NZTA, and we look forward to hearing more about this latest proposal.

Coming up: our public meeting on Wednesday 21 November

We have a public meeting coming up later this month. We’ll be announcing more details soon, but here are the vital ones:

Date: 21 November

Venue: St Joseph’s Church, Mt Victoria (view map)

Time: 6 – 7.30pm

Before that, please come to our next Save the Basin organising meeting. It’s on Wednesday 14 November from 5.30-7pm – please email for venue details.

And if you can’t make the meeting but would still like to help out, or would like to go on our mailing list, please email anyway.

Get involved